The Revista Jurídica de les Illes Balears (RJIB) is a highly technical legal publication that was created in 2002 in response to the need for a space for communication, creation and criticism in the legal field, capable of gathering and promoting research, analysis and application of the law by legal operators under the principles of freedom, pluralism, independence, rigour and rigor and with a vocation of openness to all territorial areas.
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Ethical Guidelines
Ethical standards and statement of good practice
Revista Jurídica de les Illes Balears (RJIB) is an academic journal that publishes scientific work and is firmly committed to ethical standards and good practices. The Editorial Committee is responsible for determining and maintaining the following standards in the process of selection and acceptance of submitted contributions, as well as assuming the responsibilities arising from the publication process. They undertake to ensure the ethical, scientific and academic quality of the journal.
Obligations of the authors
Authors of articles must respect the following obligations, as well as comply with the instructions for authors and editorial guidelines that can be found on the journal's website.
Authors agree to submit manuscripts that are not subject to consideration or that have been previously submitted to other journals, and to submit them to an anonymous review process.
The research must have been conducted in accordance with ethical standards and included in the publication in a manner that provides sufficient information to allow for scholarly replication. All authors must mention the sources of funding that enabled them to carry out the research and achieve the relevant results.
Submitted articles must be original work and, where authors have used the work and/or excerpts from others, these must be cited. Any form of plagiarism is contrary to these good practices and will not be accepted under any circumstances. Authors must not plagiarise, which is a literal or near-literal copying or paraphrasing of the text or research results of other authors.
It is not appropriate for an author to submit more than one paper describing the same research, unless it is a re-submission of an article rejected for publication in another journal.
If authors become aware of a fundamental error or material inaccuracy in papers already published, they should report it to the journal.
Ethical obligations of editors
Co-editors are responsible for ensuring the scientific and scholarly quality of the Journal, and are primarily responsible for the legality of intellectual property, copyright, infringement and plagiarism.
The Editor-in-Chief must respect the intellectual independence of authors and consider all original submissions for publication, assessing each contribution objectively. He or she is also responsible for ensuring that authors and reviewers ensure that manuscripts are subjected to an anonymous review process. The final decision and responsibility for acceptance or rejection of an original rests with the Editorial Board.
It is the obligation of the editors to seek reviewers, who will be chosen on the basis of their prestige, knowledge and good judgement, and who will assess the scientific quality of the papers submitted to the journal. However, papers may be rejected for publication without external review if, in the opinion of the Editorial Board, the paper is inappropriate for publication in the journal. This decision should be based on the inappropriateness of the work to the content and research lines of the journal, the lack of topicality or sufficient interest, formal incorrectness, or any other reason related to the scope of the journal. Articles will therefore be judged solely on the basis of their content, irrespective of commercial interests and without discrimination against the author.
The Editor-in-Chief must communicate the outcome of the assessment reports to the authors without disclosing any information about the identity of the reviewers, but will inform them of the criteria used by the reviewers in assessing the work for publication.
Members of the Editorial Board and any other editors must not disclose information about an original submitted for consideration to anyone other than those from whom academic or scientific advice is sought. Confidentiality must be protected at all times during the review process. Editors will refrain from participating in the evaluation and any other editorial process involving manuscripts if they have any conflict of interest due to a possible competitive, collaborative or other relationship with any of the authors of the submitted manuscript.
Unpublished information, arguments or interpretations contained in an original submitted to the journal may not be used in research conducted by the editors.
Obligations of reviewers
Reviewers have the duty to objectively assess the quality of manuscripts and their originality, with an emphasis on maintaining quality and scientific standards. Reviewers help editors in their decision-making and may assist authors in improving papers.
The reviewer will advise the editor of any substantive similarities between the manuscript under review and any similar article or manuscript submitted to or published in any other journal or publisher.
Reviewers must act appropriately, submitting their assessment report in a timely manner, even approximately. Where a proposed reviewer believes that he or she is not the appropriate person to review the submitted research or knows that it will not be possible to meet the deadlines for review, he or she should notify the editor and excuse him or herself as soon as possible.
Reviewers must treat an original submitted for review as a confidential document. It should never be shown to or discussed with third parties, except in exceptional cases where persons who can give scientific or academic advice may be consulted; in such cases, the identities of the persons consulted must be disclosed to the editor.
Corrections and retractions
If any data or information published in the journal is recognised as false, erroneous, misleading or fraudulent, the editors should inform the authors of these circumstances and await a response from the authors before making an editorial decision. If they are not satisfied with the response or if there is no response, the editors may decide to retract what has been published with the agreement of the Editorial Board.
The journal La Revista Jurídica de les Illes Balears (RJIB) will attend to any claims and complaints about the contents published by e-mail. The editors undertake to monitor and proceed to review and, where appropriate, retraction if necessary.
When a retraction or correction of what has been published in the journal is necessary, the editors will be guided by the principles contained in the Guidelines for Retracting Articles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).