Normas para la publicación

General Rules for the Publication of Originals in the RJIB:


Individuals interested in publishing in the Legal Journal of the Balearic Islands must comply with the general rules outlined in this section. To this end, they must send their works to the RJIB Secretariat. Additionally, they must include their personal and affiliation details, as well as an email address.

The works must be unpublished and should not be pending publication in another legal journal.


Originals must be sent, in all cases, to [email protected].

The works should be correctly written in Catalan or Spanish.

The first page must necessarily include the following elements:

— Title, in Catalan or Spanish and in English. It should be brief and coherent with the content of the work.
— Abstract, in Catalan or Spanish and in English.
— Keywords: in Catalan or Spanish and in English.
— Full name of the author, contact details, an email address, their position or profession, and the institutional affiliation with which the authors wish to be identified in the article's header. It is recommended that authors identify themselves with their ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID).

The works may contain, at the end, brief bibliographic information and other identifying circumstances in a maximum of three half-lines (aligned to the right margin).

The original must be submitted by email and necessarily in Word format (exceptionally and with prior authorization, it may be in convertible format).

Once a work is submitted, the Editorial Board will examine it and either accept or reject it. In the latter case, the secretary will inform the author of the reasons for inadmissibility.

Prior to admission, and according to the criteria of the Editorial Board, submitted works may be subject to evaluation by one or more experts, who will always be external. In any case, works submitted for inclusion in the "Studies" section must undergo mandatory peer review.

The publication of an accepted work may be conditioned on making necessary modifications to ensure quality and guarantee effective compliance with these rules, including reducing its length.


The works must have a structure and length appropriate to the characteristics of the section in which they will be published. As a general rule, studies and comments longer than 25 pages will not be accepted, nor reviews longer than 6 pages.

The text should be presented in Word format, without margins, using Arial font, size 11, with 1.5 line spacing. Bold type will not be accepted nor —except in very justified cases— underlining. Italics will be limited to Latin terms or expressions in languages other than Spanish or Catalan, as well as conventional uses of this typographic style.


The structure of works for publication in the "Studies" and "Comments and Notes" sections should follow this hierarchical order: Roman numerals (in regular bold), Arabic numbers (in italics), uppercase letters (in italics), and lowercase letters (in regular type), as shown in this example:I. The Government

  1. Nature
    a) Management duties
    Book reviews longer than two pages will be structured with Roman numerals without any headings.


The number and length of footnotes should be proportional to the characteristics and content of the work. Unnecessary notes may be removed. Likewise, an excessive number of notes that could technically hinder text presentation and composition should be avoided.

Notes should be adequately numbered and written in Arial font, size 10 with single line spacing.


The bibliography cited in each article will appear in a specific section at the end of the article.

Citations of legal provisions at footnotes should provide full details when first mentioned in the text, including abbreviations for later use. For example:

Law 43/2003, of November 21st, on forests (hereinafter LM)

Constitutional Court rulings should preferably use STC initials and Supreme Court rulings STS initials.

Book citations should follow this format: author's surname in uppercase letters, initials of first name(s), title of work in italics, city, publisher, year, and if applicable pages; as shown below:

PECES-BARBA MARTÍNEZ G., Los valores superiores. Madrid: Tecnos; 1984.

D.A., La libertad ideológica: Actas de las VI Jornadas de la Asociación de Letrados del Tribunal Constitucional. Madrid: CEPC; 2001: p31.

Journal article citations should follow this format: surname(s) uppercase initials first name(s), title between quotes publication name italics number year parentheses pages if applicable well-known publications may use abbreviation example:

GONZÁLEZ PÉREZ J., "Un nuevo atentado al principio de la tutela jurisdiccional efectiva la inadmisibilidad por incompetencia del Tribunal". REDA no86(1995).

The preparation of works for publication within jurisprudence normative activity registry sections other potential creations shall preferably adhere specific guidelines set forth Editorial Board respecting essential aspects these rules wherever possible.

These rules may modified any time agreement Editorial Board appropriate dissemination given accordingly.